Meet Mason Jesmer

Learn a little about me and why I love photography

Fun Facts About Me

○ I was born in Richmond, Virginia and it has been my home ever since I moved back in 2003.
○ I have a beautiful wife named Cassidy.
○ I have two 4-legged best friends, Zero, and Lilly. Zero is an excellent model when he wants to be (The KING of being stubborn.) And Lilly is a straight up goofball.
○ When I'm not behind the camera, I enjoy swimming, camping, and hiking. My favorite place I’ve been to in Virginia is called Grayson Highland State Park. Check it out! (There are wild ponies there!!!) 
○ I love meeting new people and could make friends with the wall. You honestly never know what someone has to teach you (except for the wall, he had nothing good to say.)
○ My favorite movie trilogy is Back to the Future.
○ Last but not least! I love collecting hats. It helps hide my hair on messy hair days! Which is basically every day.

My Photography Story

When I first started photography professionally, I told myself I needed a few words to live by going forward. So I choose the words, “Learn to love the world from different views”. While in the moment I knew I had some words to stand by in my business ventures, what I didn’t realize was that those words would perfectly describe how I feel while I am behind the camera shooting weddings, couples, families, pets, groups, and so much more. Photography has brought me places I know for a fact I would never have ventured to. It has led me to meet so many fantastic people and pets! Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces and knowing that they are enjoying the here and now and living in the moment is a special feeling. I cherish being able to capture these times. I genuinely love being behind the camera, and thank you, everyone, from the past, present, and future, for making me “Learn to love the world from different views.”

I photograph beautiful, laugh filled, and laid-back weddings across Richmond, Virginia & Worldwide!

My Wedding Photography Philosophy

Your wedding day is not a photo shoot - it’s your wedding day. I’m here to capture the day, document the wonderful lifelong memories, and help you feel relaxed so you can focus on enjoying your wedding.

We will most definitely set aside some time for those beautiful couple portraits. But I’m a strong believer in being efficient, and making sure we prioritize YOUR big day to allow you time to enjoy your new spouse and your wonderful wedding guests. Trust me the time will Fly!

Enjoy your wedding day. I’ll take care of capturing the day as it happens!